Summit: Elk Grove Village, IL Data Center
About Elk Grove Village, IL Data Center
Introducing Deft's state-of-the-art data center in Elk Grove Village, IL (DRT-CH1). It offers a carrier-neutral environment that ensures reliable connectivity. Equipped with top-notch features, our data center guarantees excellent performance and maximum uptime.
Key Features:
Minimum N+1 redundancy for added reliability
Four diverse 34.5 kV power feeds
Thirty-three 1,300 kW rotary UPS systems
Thirty-three 2,250 kW diesel-powered generators
200,000-gallon fuel reserve for uninterrupted power supply
A robust 36.4 MW critical load capacity
Solid-state static transfer switches (STSs) for seamless power switching
Branch Circuit Monitoring System (BCMS) to monitor circuits efficiently
High power density that allows for more efficient use of space
N+2 redundancy for enhanced reliability
Cooling System:
Over 300 40-ton Computer Room Air Handler (CRAH) units
One million-gallon chilled water reserve
Efficient evaporative chilled water plants to keep temperatures in check
IPv6- and MPLS-enabled 100-GbE private global IP network
Low-latency peering with top traffic destinations
Three diverse fiber paths to our 350 E. Cermak facility in Chicago
Diverse transit options in case of any issues with 350 E. Cermak facility
Availability of dark fiber for flexible and scalable connectivity
Security Measures:
24/7 security staff for constant surveillance and protection
Visitor screening process to ensure authorized access
CCTV video surveillance round the clock
Storage of videos for 90 days and images indefinitely
Dual-factor authentication using biometric and proximity scanners
Secure shipping and receiving areas for safe handling of equipment
Equipment screening to prevent unauthorized access
Mantrap to control access and monitor movement
Smoke detectors strategically placed under raised floor and on ceilings
Laser-based Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus (VESDA) system for early fire detection
Pre-action zoned dry-pipe system to safeguard against water damage
Choose Deft's data center for unparalleled performance, reliability, and security. Experience the difference today.